Lifting the Veil


We honor the Dead in all forms.

I call to the spirits on the other side.

We lift the veil between the world this night,

in perfect love and in perfect truth.

May we feel your present here tonight!

May we experience your energy in this rite on this Hallow’s Night!

Blessed Be



 We have come together  on this hour to honor the dead, our ancestors:  By Blood,  Bone, and Stone.  But how does one connect with the ancestors….a great way is through stories. For stories are memories shared throughout time. And as long as they are shared the memories of these ancestors can never fade way!


Blood– These ancestors are those that are directly blood relative to you. You listen to stories of how your grandparents meet, or how a great, great, great, great uncle die in the war. These are memories that someone shared with you, and you will share with others of a new generation, keeping the memory of your line alive in the minds and hearts of your family to come. So to connect with a blood ancestor think of a memory or story you hold dear and they will near be too far from you. The connection will be strong!

Bone– These ancestor are those who are connect to your cultural, ethnic background. You all have tradition in your family that can most likely trace back to a certain culture. The tradition may have change a little but the core of it is still there. There are also stories of ancestors of bone that help us connect to them. We hear about them in history books, in story left on ancient wall writings. All culture leave a lingering memory behind, and by tapping into it we connect with them. Even if we are not from that culture, some of us might be drawn to it by a past life. Go with that pull, and connect!

Stone– These ancestor are those who teach us the lessons we need throughout our lives. They are the keepers of the sacred words. Through their stories they teach us lessons that help their memories live on as well as their teachings. To connect to these ancestor all one must do is stop and listen when an elder speak, for wisdom and knowledge will flow to your ears. You will hear stories of what teachers and students have done before you, what experience they had, what lessons they learned, and what consequence they faced. These stories help us remember the teachers of our teachers, and where the wisdom came from. For only with wisdom can we us the knowledge we seek!

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