This was a great ritual to experience with our daughter coven “Starwood”. There was a great connection felt between the two groups as we brought in the playful energy of the Maiden, the loving essence of the Mother, and the harsh truth of the Crone as well as a fiery sword fight between the Holly King and the Oak King. We enjoyed everyone who could make it, especially the lovely Lady Bona Dea who came in spite of an injury. (She is doing very well now!) We missed those that could not make it– Hope to see you at the next.
~ Blessed Be!
- The Flowery Gift of Litha
- Hands of the Flame
- The Fire Artist
Thank you Paganism may just be the most tolerant reogliin on this planet. I like the idea of looking for common ground with other religious teachings. Sometimes I think each one of us has a piece of the puzzle but we have to work together to see the whole picture.