The Leadership of the Coven

We Stand for Ukraine; we send energy to the Ukrainian people…

Sending Strength, Love, & Hope that this will end with Ukraine Regaining Peace.

Clearing up some issues that were brought to our attention:

  • We want to make it very clear that we’re not associated with any covens in the Toledo area except for the two covens we have listed on the right side.
  • One is located in Toledo, while the other is located in Delta, but does classes in Toledo.
  • It has come to our knowledge that there are false statements online when researching locate covens.
  • Lady Bona Dea is our founder. She trained and Eldered the Leadership in Starwood coven,
  • We gave the High Priestess of Owls Grove her Neophyte training; at which time she was then trained by another Elder in our line. (This coven also brings in teachings from the High Priestess’s family tradition).
  • If you ever read anything online that claims Lady Bona Dea or us has trained a person, please confirm that with us.
  • If you every read or are told someone was trained by Lady Circe of Toledo, please do your research on this. We can help with this, but there are still Elders from her time availability to confirm such claims.
  • We want everyone safe, and being trained by a trusted teacher.

Thank you,

Lady Arawyn Lyonesse, Elder High Priestess

Lord Gwydion Lyonesse, Elder High Priest

Statement from the High Priestess

Merry Meet all! It was brought to my attention yesterday that in the Toledo Blade was a article about how Pagans and Wiccans were dealing with the pandemic. In the article there were a few things that I didn’t agree with. But the one thing that I can prove to be wrong is where I received my training. As a neophyte, I would meet up with other students at Knowledge Et All, hang out for a bit, talk with the owner, and then we would go to Lady Bona Dea’s house for our neophyte class. The only reason I am bringing this up is because someone came at Lady Bona Dea asking why she was claiming that she trained me. Next time anyone hears anything about my husband, our coven or myself that is different then what we claimed or have stated. Come to us and we will clarify. Do not go to our Founder, our Elder and make her feel like she has to defend herself. Thank you!

To Reaffirm Your Mother Power

I call forth all ancient mothers who have come before.

I call upon the power of the Mother Goddess, who have nurture this land since the beginning.

I call upon the women, who know that just listening can be the greatest gift.

I seek the knowledge to let my inner wisdom be heard.

I seek the confidence to be the mother I know I can be.

I face all challenges that may be on my path;

 With the strength of all the power and energy that runs through my blood, and spiritual line. 

I know that I stand, not a lone, but in the front of this powerful force!

I know that if trouble comes my way I have someone to help me stand my ground!

I am a Mother!

 I am a Witch!

I am a Woman!

I stand before all

Wiser because of… my mothers!

Stronger because of… my sisters!

Powerful because of… my Goddess!

I stand!


~Lady Arawyn Lyonesse ©2005 revised 2015

Its been 16 years on my journey as a Mother…loving every moment!


 Mommy and Phoenix

The Feel of a Sabbat Ritual: Samhain

Do all Sabbat rituals feel the same?

I do not believe Sabbat rituals feel the same. Yes, some aspects blend a little going from one to the other. They build on each other in a way. But the energies that are tapped into are completely different. Samhain can be darker, and more intense than the others. When you lift the veil and invite Ancestors of Blood, Teachings, and Anointed into your circle one has to be ready for some powerful messages and wonderful energy raising.

{Now keep in mind, all covens do rituals differently. This is just one way….the way we practice.}

All the Sabbats hold a special place in my heart, but Samhain moves ahead just a little more because it challenges me to face the darkness, and not be scared, To face the unknown, and embrace it. At this time up to Yule is a time to look inwards. To embrace who you are as a person, the dark and light side of you. The hardest part can be exploring your shadow side. The side we hide even from ourselves. The crone that speaks to us at Samhain helps us to face some of that. She shines her lantern of truth over us and tells us to open our eyes, not to hide from who we are. If you don’t like what you see, change it or learn to accept it…learn to love you.

Now who are these Ancestors I have mentioned:

Ancestors of Blood are your blessed kin. They are the line of your people who paved the way so you could exist. Their message, ritual night, was not to wait to do something. Time is short. The sands of the hourglass are falling swiftly. Each grain of sand is a moment in time. Did you enjoy it? Did you make the most of it? Do not have regrets like some of the Ancestors of Blood do. Enjoy life and the ones around you. Leave lots of memories that generation upon generation can share with each other.

Ancestors of Teachings are the ones in your life that passed down the knowledge to all. They first shared their wisdom with spoken word, then carved in stone. Pen to paper was the way for many years. Today it is ones and zeroes. The teachings are still true, and meaningful no matter how they are delivered. They too paved the way for us to be here practicing this faith. They were willing to teach others when it was dangerous and hard, but they would risk it for those who were willing to listen. Are you willing to listen? It may not be dangerous now, but it is still hard. That is the importance of the teachings they left behind. They can be handed down to many generations willing to face the challenge.

Ancestors of Anointed are the ones who were never alive on earth. They are the ageless spirits who have been here since time began. They are our guides, the whispering voice telling you what would be best (if you listen). They seek individuals whom they sense can handle a higher purpose in life and they touch them. Those individuals can feel it in their hearts. They will know they have a job to do in the world. The Anointed have charged them to go forth and share the magick, the love, with the world…to those who are ready to listen and learn from a future Ancestor of Teachings.

There are many other ancestors to call in during Samhain. Just calling in your blessed kin would be wonderful. We have found that these three work for us, and that is the message with ritual work. Try new ideas. Test things out and see what works for you…what makes sense to you. If you do not believe in what you are doing, if you do not have intent as to why you are doing something, do you think it will work? You are the most important tool in ritual work. You hold the key to all magick in this world. If you don’t believe, if you don’t have meaning behind it, INTENT, do you think it will work?

So the answer to the question “Do all Sabbat rituals feel the same?”  It is completely up to you. They can, but they don’t have to. Explore the possibilities!

©Lady Arawyn Lyonesse Oct/2018

The Darkness of Hallows

The Darkness of Hallows

Ancestors Blood/Ancestors Teachings/Ancestors Anoint
were researched from “Faery Teachings” Orion Foxwood.


“I now walk where my ancestors trod,

In hallowed footsteps falling.

Bless’d are my feet on sacred ground!

Bless’d are the voices calling!”

            The word Hallowe’en, as you probably already know, is a shortening of the phrase “All Hallow’s Evening. This is the evening preceding the Christian All Hallows Day or All Saints Day on November 1st.  But from before the beginning of Christianity, many indigenous cultures honored the sacredness of their ancestors and the part that death plays in the cycle of life at this same time of year. Most pagans claim this holiday with first bragging rights. They certainly are entitled to, but what is more important is what it really means. What are we supposed to remember on this holiday? What is the true focus?

Obviously not cartoon character costumes, pranks, and candy corn. The definition of “hallow” is “to make holy.” What does “holy” really mean? It means to make sacred or to honor “by association with the divine” (Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary) The obvious assumption would seem to be, then, to “hallow” or honor our ancestors at this time of year. They have blazed the trail for us. They have helped us evolve to who we are now. This is true, but is that all?

Couldn’t we, shouldn’t we also honor the next generation of ancestors? Oh! That would be ourselves, wouldn’t it? Hmmm. What will the next generation honor us for?

How about also honoring our children who would become the ancestors of our world’s future generations? As frustrating as they can sometimes be, we will be passing the torch to them, someday.

Maybe Hallowe’en could be a time to honor all human life on this planet. We all have that divine spark within us. If we recognize and acknowledge that purely spiritual component that connects all humanity, maybe we can grow it bigger and evolve a little further.

We are all sacred. We need to remember that and treat each other accordingly.


© Bona Dea Lyonesse 2010



The Goddess has a Tale to Tell!

The Crone Speaks

The Crone Speaks

“My child, why do you weep?”

“My Goddess, you have grown so tired; I fear you do not have much time, and you will leave like all do. And I will be alone without your guidance!”

“Dear one, have I become so old in eyes so young? Oh, do not fear, my child! For it is true; winkles now grace my face, and silver has weaved itself into my hair. But death will not take me for I keep a cycle that circles with no end.”

The Crone is who I am…

with a story to tell;
about my future but my past as well.
So come and listen and I will share the tale that I know so well.

“We start with a Quickening felt very deep within

Way beneath the glistening snow.
Tis the time, for me to drink from blessed waters while the Light is just a glow.
The Maiden will I be again; innocent and pure.
Preparing the way for the awakening of the land
The May pole will I dance
embracing He who calls me near.
The Mother will I be again, with swollen belly and

a promise that I will help to bear.

But for now…

The sacrifice is at hand, reap with sorrow I must,

To feed my children and the land.

For the cold does now descend…


The season has shifted and the thin veil has been lifted.

To Summerland I make my way, but only until the night out lives the day.

Then I will return and bring forth the Light that will nourish the land.


For I am Goddess: Maiden, Mother, and Crone!

It is my past…It is my future…It is my Life!

Like a circle, it has no beginning and no end.


You can do one thing for me, as you grow my child. Keep me in your heart and carry my love with you as you live… the life… that you… were gifted!”

©Arawyn Lyonesse 2018

The Spirit of the Apple

We call to the spirit of Apple

 To awake

Come to us and settle here.

We call to the spirit of Apple

To Bless

The secrets held inside.

We call to the spirit of Apple

To bring

 Wisdom we hold so dear

We call to the spirit of the Apple

To enrich

 Our palettes and our minds with knowledge most divine.

~Lady Arawyn ©2013